Tailored Support for Unique Circumstances

Several members of our team have loved ones in their families with special needs, and there is a special place in our hearts for families like ours.  Families planning to care for loved ones with disabilities have many factors to consider.  From formal Guardianship and Conservatorship proceedings when your loved one turns 18, to the appointment of a Guardian and/or Conservator in your will so that you know that after you are gone your family member is well taken care of, our firm can guide you through these processes. 

Importantly, many special needs adults and children receive Medicaid and Social Security Insurance to help pay for their medical needs and other costs of living.  Leaving an inheritance outright to your loved one could cause them to lose these important benefits, and could disrupt their course of care.  The creation of a Special Needs Trust can ensure you avoid this scenario.  A Supplemental Needs or Special Needs Trust will enable you to leave money to your disabled family member in trust. You can determine a person to be the trustee over the assets, and that trustee is responsible for ensuring that your money is used to meet the needs of your disabled loved one.   Upon the passing of your disabled loved one, the remaining funds can be distributed to the people or charities of your choosing.

Our team would be happy to sit down with you to discuss a plan that is right for you and your unique situation.  Call 803-764-9555 or click here to schedule a consultation.